旧约 - 撒母耳记下(2 Samuel)第22章
David sang to the LORD the words of this song when the LORD delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. |
He said: "The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; |
my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior--from violent men you save me. |
I call to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies. |
"The waves of death swirled about me; the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me. |
The cords of the grave coiled around me; the snares of death confronted me. |
In my distress I called to the LORD; I called out to my God. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came to his ears. |
"The earth trembled and quaked, the foundations of the heavens shook; they trembled because he was angry. |
Smoke rose from his nostrils; consuming fire came from his mouth, burning coals blazed out of it. |
He parted the heavens and came down; dark clouds were under his feet. |
He mounted the cherubim and flew; he soared on the wings of the wind. |
He made darkness his canopy around him--the dark rain clouds of the sky. |
Out of the brightness of his presence bolts of lightning blazed forth. |
The LORD thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded. |
He shot arrows and scattered the enemies, bolts of lightning and routed them. |
The valleys of the sea were exposed and the foundations of the earth laid bare at the rebuke of the LORD, at the blast of breath from his nostrils. |
"He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters. |
He rescued me from my powerful enemy, from my foes, who were too strong for me. |
They confronted me in the day of my disaster, but the LORD was my support. |
He brought me out into a spacious place; he rescued me because he delighted in me. |
"The LORD has dealt with me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands he has rewarded me. |
For I have kept the ways of the LORD; I have not done evil by turning from my God. |
All his laws are before me; I have not turned away from his decrees. |
I have been blameless before him and have kept myself from sin. |
The LORD has rewarded me according to my righteousness, according to my cleanness in his sight. |
"To the faithful you show yourself faithful, to the blameless you show yourself blameless, |
to the pure you show yourself pure, but to the crooked you show yourself shrewd. |
You save the humble, but your eyes are on the haughty to bring them low. |
You are my lamp, O LORD; the LORD turns my darkness into light. |
With your help I can advance against a troop; with my God I can scale a wall. |
"As for God, his way is perfect; the word of the LORD is flawless. He is a shield for all who take refuge in him. |
For who is God besides the LORD? And who is the Rock except our God? |
It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. |
He makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to stand on the heights. |
He trains my hands for battle; my arms can bend a bow of bronze. |
You give me your shield of victory; you stoop down to make me great. |
You broaden the path beneath me, so that my ankles do not turn. |
"I pursued my enemies and crushed them; I did not turn back till they were destroyed. |
I crushed them completely, and they could not rise; they fell beneath my feet. |
You armed me with strength for battle; you made my adversaries bow at my feet. |
You made my enemies turn their backs in flight, and I destroyed my foes. |
They cried for help, but there was no one to save them--to the LORD, but he did not answer. |
I beat them as fine as the dust of the earth; I pounded and trampled them like mud in the streets. |
"You have delivered me from the attacks of my people; you have preserved me as the head of nations. People I did not know are subject to me, |
and foreigners come cringing to me; as soon as they hear me, they obey me. |
They all lose heart; they come trembling from their strongholds. |
"The LORD lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God, the Rock, my Savior! |
He is the God who avenges me, who puts the nations under me, |
who sets me free from my enemies. You exalted me above my foes; from violent men you rescued me. |
Therefore I will praise you, O LORD, among the nations; I will sing praises to your name. |
He gives his king great victories; he shows unfailing kindness to his anointed, to David and his descendants forever." |
第 22 章
撒下 22:1-51> 大卫的诗有哪些特点?我对神的倾心是否像大卫一样达到不吐不快的地步?
22:1-51 大卫精通音乐,曾经为扫罗弹琴驱魔(参撒上 16:23 ),并设立圣殿的音乐敬拜(参代上 25 )。在全部诗篇之中,他写的诗最多。对他来说,写这样的一首诗并不奇怪。这感恩诗与诗篇第十八篇几乎完全相同(圣经中其他的诗歌,参看出 15 所附之图表)。
撒下 22:3> “角”在圣经中有何含意?我生命中的“角”又是什么?
22:3 大卫称神为“拯救我的角”,喻指牲畜因他们的角有力量,能防卫保护生命。神曾经帮助大卫胜过众仇敌,也拯救他脱离仇敌之手。
撒下 22:11> 22:11 基路伯是大能的天使。
撒下 22:22-24> 大卫可以从神的观点来审视自己的生活,我评价自己的准则又是在于什么呢?
22:22-24 大卫并非否认曾经犯过罪。诗篇第五十一篇说明他对与拔示巴通奸、谋杀她丈夫乌利亚的罪,感到极端痛苦。但他明白神的信实,乃从神的观点写这篇诗。他知道神使他重行洁净──“比雪更白”(参诗 51:7 ),并为他“造清洁的心”(参诗 51:10 )。我们藉着耶稣基督的受死与复活,也得以洁净,成为完全人。神用祂的圣洁遮盖我们的罪,不再看我们为有罪的人。
22:27 “乖僻的人,你以弯曲待他”,(也可以译为“弯曲的人,你以乖僻对他。”)这句话是指神是审判者,祂要处罚人的罪、除灭恶人。
颂赞的诗歌(上)(二十二 1 ~ 27 )
1. 他对神的认识是全面的,他可以数出十种不同的称号形容神在他身上的作为( 2 ~ 3 )。同时每一称号之前都用“我的”因这是他自己的经验。我们要思想自己对神的认识有多少,有没有以神是“我的”而感满足!
2. 大卫曾经历过无数次争战,遭受过不知多少次患难和危险,有些是有形的( 4 );有些是无形的( 5 ~ 6 )。面对这些事,祷告蒙应允是他最大的秘诀,他体验神是不会误事的神,在最适当的时候显出祂奇妙的作为来。从祂听见( 7 );亲自降临( 10 );抓住我( 17 );救我脱离仇敌( 18 );领我到宽阔之处( 20 )可见一斑。
3. 他明白神的性情,并乐意照神的心意而行,远离罪恶,守神的道。
思想 我是否也可以用大卫对神的十种形容来代表我和神的关系呢?
颂赞的诗歌(下)(二十二 28 ~ 51 )
1. 生活方面的得胜: ① 神使我们能在光明中行( 29 ); ② 使我们在高处安稳( 34 ); ③ 保守我们不失脚( 37 )。我们要有美好的生活见证,使人能藉我们认识主。
2. 争战方面的得胜:神使我们有争战的能力( 35 ),并且得胜诸敌( 38 ~ 41 )。我们要感谢神,因祂常帅领我们夸胜(林后二 14 ),并且得胜有余(罗八 37 )。在与恶魔的争战中,我们不能凭自己的力量得胜,只有靠主,因祂是得胜者,故此属祂的都必得胜。
3. 地位方面的得胜:神高抬大卫,他由平民身分晋升为君王,神使他为大( 36 ),这是一个奇异的改变。只要我们能脱离卑贱的事,必成为贵重的器皿,在神眼中看为宝贵。故此,我们要认识自己的身分是如何的崇高(参彼前二 9 ~ 10 )。
“耶和华啊,因此我要……”( 50 )大卫在数算神恩之余,深感到神的伟大,自然要称谢歌颂神的名,要将神当得的荣耀归给祂。能感恩的人其实就是最蒙恩的人。
思想 能够数算恩典,是会使我们更肯定神的真实和伟大,从而使我们更有信心过在世的日子。──《新旧约辅读》
撒母耳记下 第廿二章 注释
1-51 大卫的感恩赞美诗
本章与诗篇 18篇大致相同,可参诗18篇注。
1 是诗18篇的标题,说明本诗写作的背景。
思想问题(第 22章)
1 大卫多处用自然景物来形容和赞美耶和华。
2 大卫将消灭仇敌的功劳完全归给耶和华,并因此而赞美 、感谢;大卫更深深感受到神是他唯一的磐石、唯一的保障,因而紧
紧的投靠 。
3 26-28节描写神对不同人的不同待遇。你是怎样的人?
4 大卫愿望神被人称崇( 47),他有否为此尽上努力?参50节。
撒母耳记下注释 二.大卫的感恩之诗(二二)
二二1~51 到目前为止,撒母耳记都是提及大卫作为一个战士和君王的功绩;只有偶尔提到他也是音乐家(撒上十六18)和诗人(撒下一17~27)。然而,大卫作为战士和君王的成就,今天对我们不大有直接的关系;我们记得他的名字,只是因他是诗人,故此撒母耳记差不多结束时,作者很适当地让我们看见大卫诗集中的样本。
撒母耳记下 22:22
我 遵 守 了 耶 和 华 的 道: 大
卫 并 不 是 坚 持 说 他 从 未 犯 过 罪 或 者 他 完 美 无 缺。 他 是 说, 到 那 时 为 止, 他 一 直 以 一 颗 向 着 神 的 信
二十二 1 至二十三 7 大卫的两首诗歌
二十二 1-51 赞美之诗
这首诗歌也收入了诗篇之内,是为诗篇十八篇,但内容有些微差异。这首诗歌在诗篇中的位置显示,它是用作一般感恩的诗歌。这里使用这诗歌是为了表明大卫有作为诗人的声望,但更特别是对大卫如何经历神,给予概括的评注。大卫在位期间,多与各种不同的「仇敌」( 1 节)争战,但他已赢得一段和平的日子。他必定是一个很有才干的人,但在本诗中,所有胜利和成功,都是归功给神。
第 1-7 节描述神对大卫来说,是怎样的一位神,而最重要的,神是他的「救主」。
第 8-20 节用了图画般的措词,来描绘神如何响应大卫的呼求,并强调了神的大能。
第 21-25 节提到神干预的基础:作为君王,大卫在以色列民中高举了神的律法。(第 24 节清楚地并没有提及大卫对乌利亚所行的恶,这诗篇是关乎皇室的政策,而不是个人的品行。)
第 26-37 节转而以神的信实为主题;祂真的持守了与大卫所立的约(参第七章)。
第 38-46 节谈到大卫的众仇敌,尤其是他凭借神的帮助而击退的那些外邦国族。
第 47-51 节重申大卫向神的赞美,并结束了这诗篇。本章最后的话是一些前瞻:神也会向大卫的「后裔」守约。更详尽的评注可见于诗篇第十八篇的注释。